Monday, January 27, 2014

Giving meaningful gifts for Christmas

If you believe the advertising that we are bombarded with, the best thing you can do for your family for Christmas is go into debt buying a bunch of cheap Chinese injected plastic, and perhaps a device with pixels that will help them stay in touch with their friends avoid direct contact with other human beings in favor of reducing their interactions to 140 character tweets or paragraph long Facebook status updates.

Now, mind you, I work at Microsoft. I really enjoy technology. If it weren't for Xbox, I wouldn't have my job, and I enjoy a video game with the best of them. In fact, in the interest of full disclosure, when I point out the time wasting effects of pixels, I speak from experience; I used to play a massively multiplayer online game called Everquest, and I wasted over a year of my life on that game. Not playing it for a year then quitting... I mean logged in, over the course of several years. Not my finest hour (or year?); I hope my kids are smarter than me.

Technology rant aside, though, we really are encouraged to buy a bunch of junk for our family that will bring nothing but a few moments joy to their lives. I have never once seen an ad encouraging us to give them an heirloom - unless it comes with diamonds, perhaps.

Debt for junk. What a deal. We tried something else this year.

One of my most valued possessions is a box that I took with me when I left my parents home, containing the Christmas ornaments given to me as a child. I have my first ornament, and many ornaments from subsequent Christmases. My mother, who loved the Christmas season, greatly enjoyed a yearly visit to Leavenworth; for those not familiar with the town, it is a Bavarian themed village on the east side of Stevens Pass, famous for their incredible Christmas atmosphere, wonderful shops full of amazing handmade and high quality Christmas stuff, sleigh rides, and of course Oktoberfest. It was here that she acquired many of her most prized Christmas possessions; we've been a few times too, and have some family ornaments as a result.

I was inspired this year to make handmade ornaments for everyone and have what we called a "giving" Christmas. We would give to another family and if we gave each other a gift, it would be handmade, so as to be meaningful. I couldn't have been more pleased by the result.

Lyzie & I worked together to paint the ornaments. The skateboard was hand carved!

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